The most recent polls suggest Dick Lugar, the senior U.S. senator from Indiana, first elected in 1976, is on track to lose his primary on Tuesday. I hope he doesn't for a number of reasons but one big one: the Senate needs grown-ups. The entire American government needs grown-ups, from Capitol Hill to the White House to the executive agencies. This is no time to lose one.I had to respond to that tweet, so I sent: "'Reagan aide?' Join us in this century: 'Obama flack'..." Peggy Noonan famously endorsed President Obama in late October 2008. That's the same election cycle in which Senator Lugar was featured in one of Obama's campaign commercials. And that is why Senator Lugar is Obama's favorite Republican.
What I don't understand about Dick Lugar's campaign is that he seems to be getting all the wrong endorsements. Sure, Mitch Daniels is a solid endorsement, but John McCain, a union-funded and pro-union Indiana PAC, Arlene Specter, and now Peggy Noonan.
It's an A-team of endorsements if you want to win the moderate middle between the two parties, but they do nothing to help a candidate in a primary. In fact, I think they hurt Lugar's chances next Tuesday because each of those endorsements (excepting Daniels) come with the sort of baggage that reminds voters why they might want to vote for the guy running against Lugar--Richard Mourdock.
While Dick Lugar is collecting the old-n-busted endorsements, Mourdock's gotten the new-hotness: Michelle Malkin, Sarah Palin, and Michele Bachmann as well as their ideological forerunner who keenly saw the importance of this race last fall: Phyllis Schlafly.
Let me take a moment--seven minutes really--to address Noonan's implication that Richard Mourdock is not a grown-up. We all know how state AGs across the country stood up to Obamacare. Mourdock, as Treasurer of Indiana, stood alone in the fight against the auto-bailouts, he stood alone to fight for property rights. When all of Washington called for the cram down that would destroy Chrysler's creditors, Mourdock fought the battle to the Supreme Court. He stood athwart history yelling: "Stop!"
Now watch the first seven minutes of the video below.

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