Sunday, December 19, 2010

Census Bolsters GOP

With the census nearly complete a picture of the 2012 political landscape is beginning to emerge and President Obama's path to the White House in two years has gotten a lot harder:
The biggest gainer will be Texas, a GOP-dominated state expected to gain up to four new House seats, for a total of 36. The chief losers — New York and Ohio, each projected by nongovernment analysts to lose two seats — were carried by Obama in 2008 and are typical of states in the Northeast and Midwest that are declining in political influence.
It's still unclear whether Missouri will lose a seat, though the map at the New York Times shows us losing one. The most fascinating thing about that map is that it shows no change in California. Looking at the apportionment chart in Wikipedia, this would be the first census in which The Golden State did not add at least one congressional seat. Of course, the analysis out today will have some errors, so we'll have to wait until Tuesday for the final results.

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